
At Brilliant Minds Academy we believe in excellent education that will equip our children in the best possible way for the future, providing a broadly-based curriculum in a Christian and family environment that is designed to motivate, challenge, encourage and inspire pupils. We live in a time where the world is changing at an incredible pace and the demands on our children to succeed in this environment will be different and greater than ever before.

We follow the National Cambridge Curriculum but with a new and modern outlook on the learning environment and teaching methods, based on the principals and methods we are leading the way in Namibia towards better, future orientated education.

As part of our future orientated education, we make use of different E-Learning systems. Additionally, children graduating Grade 12 from Brilliant Minds Academy will have a certificate that will enable them to study internationally and not just in Namibia and South-Africa.

Age 1 to 2 years old

Personal, Emotional and Social Development

Separates easily from parents.

Starts to show an interest in other children.

Starts to express different feelings.

Cognitive Development

Points to different objects when You name it.

Recognizes self in photo or mirror.

Fine Motor Development

Tries to use a spoon.

I can finger feed myself.

I can pick up small objects.

Physical Movement

I can crawl up stairs.

Dances in place to music.

Start to walk but still falls a lot.


Personal, Emotional and Social Development

Separate easily from parents.

I can show different emotions.

I can express my feelings.

Cognitive Development

I can sort colors.

I can identify and name objects.

I know the difference between up and down.


I can say my name.

I can communicate with my friends.

I can point and name objects in pictures.

Fine Motor Development

I can pull a zipper up.

I can threat big beads.


I can count from 1 to 3.

I can name some of the primary colors.

I know the difference between full and empty.

Gross Motor Development

I can bend over without falling.

I always participate in gross motor activities.

I can throw a ball.

I can throw a bean bag at a target.


I enjoy drawing pictures.

I enjoy sticking activities.

I can tear strips of paper and stick it.


Personal Development

I have adjusted well in the new class.

I am used to the class routine.

Emotional and Social Development

I can make animal noises and pretend to be an animal.

I am not shy when communicating with others.


I recognize my symbol in class

I ask a lot of questions.

I can recognize pictures and name them.

I can follow a 2-part command.

I enjoy lustering to stories.

Fine Motor Development

I start to cut by sniping at the page.

I can manipulate clay by rolling snakes.

I can do zippers and buttons.

I can pinch pom poms with a peg.


I can count from 1 to 5.

I can sort colors big and small objects.

I can count 3 objects.

I can recognize the square.

I recognize the primary colors.

I know what numbers is.

Gross Motor Development

I can balance on a straight line.

I can bounce a big ball.

I can hit a ball with a racket.

I can walk on my tippy toes.

I enjoy climbing on the jungle gyms.

I enjoy gross motor activities.


I enjoy painting activates.

I enjoy sticking activities.

I enjoy box construction.

Grade RR

Personal Development

I know my name and surname.

I know how old I am.

I know if I am a boy or a girl.

Social and Emotional Development

I can play in a group.

I can share my toys with my friends.

I listen and respond when the teacher talks to me.

I have adjusted well in the new class.

I easily say goodbye to my parents in the mornings.

I enjoy my day at school.


I can retell stories.

I participate in theme discussions.

I understand new vocabulary.

I can listen to the story. 


I can count to 10.

I can count backwards from 5 to 0.

I can recognize a square, circle and triangle.

I can recognize the primary colors blue, yellow, green and red.

I can build a 12-to-15-piece puzzle.

I start to do addition sums with counters 1 to 3.

I can do dot cards 1 to 5.


I can draw human figures.

I enjoy art activities.

Auditory Perception

I can recognize familiar sounds.

Gross Motor Development

I can jump on 2 feet.

I can balance on a line.

I can walk backwards.

I can stand on 1 leg (5 seconds)

I can gallop and skip.

I can catch and throw a big ball.

I can kick a ball in a certain direction.

Fine Motor Development

I can hold my crayon with the correct grip.

I can use glue sparingly.

I can cut on a straight line.

I can cut out shapes.

My scissor grip is correct.

I can hold the paint brush nicely when painting.

Grade R

Cognitive Development


 Visual perception

Auditory perception

Tactile perception

Smell perception

Taste perception

Conceptual Skills



Receptive language

Expressive language

Incidental reading

Intellectual Development

Emotional Development


Emotional awareness

Coping with emotions

Emotional stability/self-control



Social Development

 Social Skills

Social acceptance




Aesthetic Development


Awareness and self-expression


Spiritual and Ethical Development

Beliefs (religious and other)

Norms and Values


Physical Development

Gross Motor Development

Fine Muscle Development

Body Awareness

Spatial Awareness

Summary of Learning Content 

  • Language Development
  • Preparatory Mathematics
  • Environmental Learning
  • Arts
  • Religious and Moral Education
  • Physical Development

Grade 1 to 3

Listening and Responding

Stories, rhymes and songs

Instructions, courtesies and greetings

Vocabulary in context

Pronunciation and expression

Preparatory exercises

Incidental reading

Phonological awareness and articulation


Reading for understanding/comprehension

Reading for enjoyment

Reading for information



Creative writing

Language structure, Grammar and Language use

Capitals and punctuation

Parts of speech

Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs

Prepositions, Adjectives, Tenses

Simple present, Present continuous, Simple past

Simple future, Sentence construction

Statements and questions

Yes/No questions, Question words


Subject-verb agreement

Modals, Determiners, Quantifiers

Cause, Word Study, Spelling

Number Concept Development


Subitizing/estimating (identifying the number of given objects without counting)

Ordering and comparing

Representing numbers

Doubling and halving


Place value, Rounding off, Number patterns

Odd and even, Subtraction, Addition

Multiplication, Division

Multi-step problems, Fractions, Problem solving


Length, Mass, Capacity, Area, Time, Money

Geometrical figures

Geometrical figures

Location, position and movement of objects

Data handling

Pictographs, tables and bar graphs

Grade 4 to 7 

Grade 4 Subjects:

Compulsory Subjects

Afrikaans (First or Second Language)

English (First and Second Language)


Natural Science

Social Studies

Additional, Non-Exam Subjects

Religion & Moral Education


Life Skills



Physical Education

Grade 5-7 Subjects

Compulsory Subjects

Afrikaans (First or Second Language)

English (First and Second Language)


Natural Science

Social Studies

Design & Technology

Home Ecology

Additional, Non-Exam Subjects:

  • Religion & Moral Education
  • Reading
  • Life Skills
  • ICT
  • Arts
  • Physical Education

Grade 8 to 9

Total of 9 Subjects:

Choose one subject combination from the following language options:

Afrikaans (First Language) & English (Second Language)

Afrikaans (Second Language) & English (First Language)

English (First Language) & German (Foreign Language)

Choose any two elective subjects:

Afrikaans (First or Second Language) & English (First and Second Language)



Home Economics

Design & Technology

Computer Studies

Compulsory promotional subjects:


Physical Science

Life Science



Support subjects:

  • Life skills
  • Reading
  • Physical Education
  • IT
  • Arts

Grade 10 to 11

Total of 6 Subjects:

Choose one subject combination from the following language options:

Afrikaans (First Language) & English (Second Language)

Afrikaans (Second Language) & English (First Language)

English (First Language) & German (Foreign Language)


Choose one subjects combination from field of study:

Biology & Physics

Biology & Chemistry

Accounting & Business Studies

Computer Studies & Geography

Design and Technology & Computer Studies

Compulsory one supplementary subjects:



Business Studies


Computer Studies

Design & Technology




Support subjects:

  • Life skills
  • Reading
  • Physical Education
  • IT
  • Arts

Grade 12

Total of 5 Subjects Maximum:

Choose a minimum of three and a maximum of five subjects:

Afrikaans (First Language) 

English (Second Language)

Afrikaans (Second Language) 

English (First Language)




Business Studies


Computer Studies

Design & Technology




Support subjects:

  • Life skills
  • IT

Digital School

All the subject from all age groups and grades is applicable. Students will receive all study material, Assignments, and Tests on Google Classroom. Parent will be responsible to supervise children when writing tests or exams.

Live communication will be done in the classroom, and all questions asked will be answered immediately. Schedules for all subjects will be added on the classroom porthole and students can log in when he/she must attend the class of their subjects chosen.