Educating young minds
Today's children are tomorrow's future.


Educating young minds is more than a task

It is a passion, a mission, a calling

To ignite the spark of curiosity and wonder

To nurture the growth of potential and talent

To empower the voice of creativity and expression

To foster the development of character and values

Educating young minds is not a one-way street

It is a dialogue, a collaboration, a partnership

To listen to the needs and interests of each student

To respect the diversity and uniqueness of each learner

To support the challenges and opportunities of each journey

To celebrate the achievements and contributions of each individual

Educating young minds is not a static process

It is a dynamic, evolving, lifelong adventure

To explore the world with an open mind and heart

To discover new ideas and perspectives with curiosity and courage

To create new solutions and possibilities with imagination and innovation

To transform the world with vision and action

Homeschooling Association of Namibia

Brilliant Minds Academy is registered

Face to Face Academics

We are registered as an official CambriLearn partner. We work on the CambriLearn and CAPS. We provide full day or half day.

Study assistance

Do your child have difficulty with certain subjects? With the additional resources that we have, we can help your child to grown. We also help children with learning disablilities.


Struggling to place your child after school? Need supervision to complete the homework. We can help you with your child's homework. All aftercare children are provided with a light lunch.


Save place for your child during the day while you are working. We provide full day and half day.

Digital School

We provide online school through Google classroom. 

Your child will need the following:

  • Computer/laptop or Tablet
  • Stable internet connection
  • Google account